Item Master:Simply put down name of item.You can also categorize the Item in its group like Dry Fruit, Vegetable, Fast Food etc. It will later help you in seeking group wise items of your restaurant. Items must have its unit so define unit of the Item like Kg, gram, liter, dozen etc.
  Inventory & Barcode:Enter Party Details like name, addresses, state, phone numbers,and email-ID etc.
   Tax Master: Tax master like Central GST,State GST and Interstate GST are decided based on the state ID of the customer or supplier.
   Invoice management: It reduces paper invoices & improve working capital management.
   Payment & Purchase management:When we add the payment it will be added against the customer and shows in the payment received listing.Can bounce the cheque payments and debit note is generated of that bounced payment.Easily create purchase orders for your vendors to include payment terms, quantity and other purchase information.
   Inventory & Barcode: Inventory reports provide a comprehensive view of what has been ordered, delivered and purchased. These reports are generated to support decision making. Inventory reports allow users to compare data between stock cycles and stores for customized time periods.