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Anti-spam Policy

This policy is applicable to all Fast Billing Services that may be used for transmitting bulk emails or commercial emails (“Covered Services”). You agree to Fast billing Anti-Spam Policy as a precondition to use of Covered Services. Covered Services may be used only for sending mails or messages to persons from whom you have an express permission to send mails or messages on the subject of such mail or message, such as permission-based email marketing. We are very serious about our Anti-Spam Policy. If we discover that you are sending emails or messages to people without their permission, we reserve the right to terminate your user account.
When we say 100%, we do not include those instances where the recipient of an email has marked it as Spam although you have an express provable permission to send emails to that email address. It should be borne in mind that a permission once granted is deemed to have been revoked if the recipient of a mail has opted out of receiving emails from you.

- You should have explicit permission to contact the recipient on the subject of your email. You shall maintain sufficient proof of the fact that you have received permission from all recipients of emails sent by you through Covered Services.
- You shall not import or send emails to email addresses that you have bought, loaned, rented or in any way acquired from a third party, irrespective of any claim about quality or permission, while using Covered Services. You shall also refrain from importing into your Covered Services account or sending mails to email addresses you have collected from other websites.
- You shall ensure that the routing and header information including your emails “From” and “To,” the originating domain name and email address are true and accurate.
- You shall not use subject lines that mislead the recipient about the contents or subject matter of the message.
- You shall include your valid physical postal address in all emails sent through Covered Services.
- You shall include a conspicuous notice in all marketing emails that the message is an advertisement or solicitation and that the recipient can opt out of receiving more commercial emails from you.

We may, at any time, require you to prove that you have express permission to send emails to email addresses you have imported to your Covered Services irrespective of whether you have sent marketing emails to such email addresses.